2018 Useful Information


Arriving: You are welcome to arrive at any time after 9am on the day you have booked in from, on arrival please see Leigh, Russ, or Lindsay where we will let you know the best places to camp, alternatively call the campsite owners on the above number.

Departure: You are welcome to leave at any time on the day of your departure up until 10pm, there will be a skip available for you to throw all your bagged up rubbish into (please don’t leave rubbish anywhere else but inside the skip, thanks)

Things to note:

  • The gate is open 7am to 7pm, outside of this time a code is required to come in and out (will be sent to attendees separately and displayed on a white board)
  • Cars can go on the field during setup however should be parked in the car park after this
  • If you need any help with putting up or taking down please feel free to ask!
  • There is a open pond on site which we would encourage children to stay away from.

Open Gaming: All Day EVERYDAY!

The marquee will be open 24/7 to fulfil your gaming needs, alternatively you are welcome to game in your own camping units if that suits you more. For those looking for a game please don’t hesitate to ask, if you don’t feel confident to ask for a game please stand by the whiteboards which will be our designated “SOMEONE PLEASE PLAY WITH ME!” area where those looking for more players can find you. You are welcome to bring your car onto the field next to the marquee so you don’t need to keep going back and forth to your tent for games.

Things to note:

  • If you would like to share your gaming library with others, please leave your boot open next to the marquee for others browse/borrow games
  • If you do borrow a game please make sure you return it in the state you found it
  • Please keep an eye on the time and be considerate of others

BBQ & Firepit

There are is a Charcoal BBQ available to use onsite, you are welcome to use these at any time however will need to provide your own fuel/food. Friday from 7pm there will be a group BBQ where it would be great for you to bring some food and get to know some of the other guys staying this weekend. For vegetarians we recommend bringing a disposable BBQ since to prevent any sort of meat contamination.